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Search For Resumes

Fashion Center Members have FREE ACCESS to our candidate database of thousands of resumes for qualified job seekers.

Search Agent

Fashion Career Center Members may
use our Search Agent to have matching candidate information emailed.


Enter Jobs – FREE
Fashion Career Center Members can enter open positions by clicking the button below.

Edit or Delete Jobs
Fashion Career Center Members will be able to edit or delete their posted jobs. Non members cannot edit jobs. To delete positions, contact our web staff [email protected]

Non Members

Enter Jobs
Non-members can post advertisements for $69.95 per posting. Non members can post jobs directly by clicking the button below or by e-mailing information to [email protected]

Job postings are active for 60 days and can be posted with full contact information or confidentiality, with either fax or email only for candidate response. You are notified automatically when your posting expires.

Featured Employers

Perry Ellis